INNISFREE New Green Tea Seed Cream 50ml

6,590 kr.

Mjúkt krem sem inniheldur Jeju grænt te og græna tefræjaolíu sem gefa raka og andoxunarefni sem hjálpa til við endurnýjun húðarinnar og gefa henni heilbrigðan gljáa.

Notkun: Berið hóflegt magn á allt andlitið útávið í síðasta skrefi húðumhirðu.

Soft cream delivers refreshing hydration and anti-oxidants from a blend of Jeju green tea extract and green tea seed oil to help replenish skin keeping its moisture level and give it a healthy-looking glow.

How to use: Apply an appropriate amount all over the face from inwards toward outwards of the face at the final stage of skin care.

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INNISFREE New Green Tea Seed Cream 50ml

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